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Mitt Romney on Abortion
Click here for 48 full quotes on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.
  • Church employee birth control violates religious conscience. (Feb 2012)
  • MA churches can choose to not provide morning-after pills. (Feb 2012)
  • Courts added tax-paid abortions to RomneyCare; not me. (Jan 2012)
  • I had no litmus test for appointing judges, but I'm pro-life. (Jan 2012)
  • Scientifically, life begins at conception. (Jan 2012)
  • 1990: As church leader, urged at-risk mom against abortion. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994: Supported abortion rights but personally opposed. (Jan 2012)
  • 2002: No to new abortion law; yes to emergency contraception. (Jan 2012)
  • States shouldn't ban contraception; and no state wants to. (Jan 2012)
  • 1993: Personally opposed, but let women decide themselves. (Nov 2011)
  • 1993: Morning-after pill could make abortions obsolete. (Nov 2011)
  • Contraception is a personal choice; but advocate abstinence. (Nov 2011)
  • Firmly pro-life; including Court nominations. (Jun 2011)
  • Abortion decision should recognize TWO lives involved. (Mar 2010)
  • OpEd: baroque circumlocutions on evolving abortion stance. (Aug 2009)
  • GovWatch: 2002: “preserve & protect” right to choose. (Feb 2008)
  • Supreme Court had said feds should stay out of abortion. (Dec 2007)
  • I took action as governor to preserve the sanctity of life. (Dec 2007)
  • No punishment for women who have partial birth abortions. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: TV ad ignores recency of conversion to pro-life. (Dec 2007)
  • Was pro-choice, now proudly pro-life. (Dec 2007)
  • Two-step process: overturn Roe; then change hearts & minds. (Sep 2007)
  • Firmly in the “legal but rare” camp. (Aug 2007)
  • Following in Reagan’s footsteps in converting to pro-life. (Aug 2007)
  • Iowa attack phone ads are not true; I am pro-life. (Aug 2007)
  • Tired of holier-than-thou attitude about becoming pro-life. (Aug 2007)
  • Absolute good day for America when Roe v. Wade is repealed. (May 2007)
  • Personally pro-life, but government should not intrude. (May 2007)
  • Was effectively pro-choice until cloning changed his opinion. (May 2007)
  • Breach of Constitution for justices to adjust Constitution. (Mar 2007)
  • Now firmly pro-life, despite 2002 tolerance for abortion. (Dec 2006)
  • Anti-abortion views have “evolved & deepened” while governor. (Jul 2005)
  • Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as governor. (Mar 2002)
  • For safe, legal abortion since relative’s death from illegal. (Oct 1994)

    Stem Cells

  • Stem-cell cloning breaches an ethical boundary. (Jan 2012)
  • 2004: Stem cell research ok, if privately funded. (Nov 2011)
  • Outlaw embryo farming, but allow using surplus embryos. (Dec 2007)
  • Altered nuclear transfer instead of embryonic stem cells. (May 2007)
  • Stem cell research lofty goals don’t justify destroying life. (Mar 2007)
  • Vetoed stem cell research bill. (May 2005)

    Voting Record

  • Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions. (Nov 2007)
  • 2005: Vetoed availability without Rx of morning-after pill. (Aug 2007)
  • Defining mistake: supported abortion law despite opposing it. (Aug 2007)
  • Would welcome overturning Roe v. Wade. (Mar 2007)
  • Committed to not change law on abortion as Gov., and did not. (Mar 2007)
  • Opposes Roe v Wade, but won’t tamper with abortion laws. (Dec 2006)
  • Vetoed emergency contraception for rape victims. (Jul 2005)
  • Endorsed legalization of RU-486. (Mar 2002)


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Mitt Romney on Budget & Economy
Click here for 34 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR 9 older headlines OR other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy..
  • Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were source of housing bubble. (Jan 2012)
  • America needs less spending and more jobs. (Nov 2011)
  • 2003: $500M budget cuts, including aid to cities. (Nov 2011)
  • We need president who understands how economy works. (Oct 2011)
  • Cap how much government can spend as a percentage of GDP. (Oct 2011)
  • Obama economy hurt middle class the most, so help them first. (Sep 2011)
  • Can't balance budget by cutting waste; must cut spending too. (Sep 2011)
  • The country needs a turnaround, and that's what I do. (Sep 2011)
  • Better that The Fed manages currency than Congress. (Sep 2011)
  • I understand how the economy works because I lived in it. (Sep 2011)
  • Let middle-income Americans save money tax-free. (Sep 2011)
  • 7 principles for leadership on the economy. (Aug 2011)
  • Don't ask "what can we cut" but "what should we keep". (Jun 2011)
  • Our lack of vision led to financial collapse & loss of $12T. (Mar 2010)
  • Strong economy makes superior defense AND citizen prosperity. (Mar 2010)
  • This recession has cost $12 trillion in net worth. (Feb 2009)
  • 2007: Help economy by investing in high-yield stocks. (Nov 2008)
  • Apply Reaganomics to current recession: cut taxes & grow. (Jan 2008)
  • Make sure that we rein in spending. (Jan 2008)
  • Support some kind of national catastrophic fund. (Jan 2008)
  • Only someone who worked in private sector can fix economy. (Jan 2008)
  • Economic strength comes from people, not from Washington. (Dec 2007)
  • Cut deficit via waste, like 342 different economic programs. (Dec 2007)
  • Fundamentally change how Washington works, to reduce pork. (Nov 2007)
  • Washington is broken; needs fundamental change. (May 2007)
  • Balance state budget by removing waste and folderol. (Mar 2002)
  • Will cut deficit and help Americans save. (Oct 1994)

    Bailout + Stimulus

  • Stimulus package declares war on free enterprise. (Nov 2011)
  • Obama's policies made economy & stock market worse. (Nov 2011)
  • No bailout for Italy; let Europe take care of Euro. (Nov 2011)
  • Let foreclosures happen; let the market reboot. (Nov 2011)
  • QE2 didn't work; focus on jobs & higher growth. (Sep 2011)
  • Bailout program wasted money; let companies go bankrupt. (Jun 2011)
  • US didn't bail out Wall St.; we prevented financial failure. (Mar 2010)

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Mitt Romney on Civil Rights
Click here for 37 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights/a> OR background on Civil Rights.
  • 1964: George Romney left GOP Convention for civil rights. (Jan 2012)
  • 1993: As church leader, granted women's equality requests. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994: "I'll be better than Ted Kennedy" on gay rights. (Jan 2012)
  • 2002: domestic partnership benefits instead of civil unions. (Jan 2012)
  • Gay community needs more support from the Republican Party. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994: Supported ENDA to ban anti-gay employer discrimination. (Nov 2011)
  • Support gay rights but opposes gay marriage. (Nov 2011)
  • 2003; Worked with cities to prepare for gay marriages. (Nov 2011)
  • 1993: Denied ever calling homosexuality "perverse". (Nov 2011)
  • Federal definition of marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Aug 2011)
  • 2003: Battled legislatively against legalizing gay marriage. (Mar 2010)
  • Marriage is not just quaint custom; recognize critical role. (Mar 2010)
  • GovWatch: 1994: Favored gays serving openly in military. (Feb 2008)
  • GovWatch: Father supported MLK, but never marched with him. (Jan 2008)
  • Right to be kept alive means secret surveillance is OK. (Dec 2007)
  • Enemy combatants, if citizens, entitled to habeas corpus. (Dec 2007)
  • Supports Employment Nondiscrimination Act at state level. (Dec 2007)
  • MA Constitution, by John Adams, has no same-sex marriage. (Oct 2007)
  • Equality for Muslims; but follow hate-preachers into mosques. (Oct 2007)
  • Supported English-only laws but ran Spanish commercials. (Oct 2007)
  • 1994: Gays ok in Boy Scouts. (Aug 2007)
  • 2006: Marriage: I agree with 3000 years of recorded history. (Aug 2007)
  • No longer calls Giuliani pro-choice & pro-gay & anti-gun. (Aug 2007)
  • Don’t ask, don’t tell sounds silly, but it’s effective. (Jun 2007)
  • Pushed vote on traditional marriage against MA gay marriage. (Mar 2007)
  • Marriage pre-dates our Constitution & shouldn’t de redefined. (Mar 2007)
  • Constitutional amendment defining 1-man-1-woman marriage. (Mar 2007)
  • Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. (Jan 2007)
  • Opposed gay marriage but played fair and upheld law. (Apr 2006)
  • Put gay marriage ban into GOP party platform. (Nov 2005)
  • Every child deserves a mother and a father. (Sep 2004)
  • OpEd: abdicated power in 2004 & allowed gay marriage. (Aug 2004)
  • Supports benefits for gay partners, but not gay marriage. (Sep 2002)
  • Sexual orientation should not preclude being a Scout. (Oct 1994)
  • To compete as a nation, draw on skills of women & minorities. (Oct 1994)
  • Help women thru glass ceiling by requiring annual reporting. (Oct 1994)
  • Welcome nativity scenes in public places on holidays. (Dec 2007)

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Mitt Romney on Corporations
Click here for 26 full quotes on Corporations OR other candidates on Corporations/a> OR background on Corporations..
  • We should have forced automakers into managed bankruptcies. (Feb 2012)
  • Capitalism works; free enterprise works; & profit works. (Jan 2012)
  • The Bain Way: data-driven analysis. (Jan 2012)
  • At Bain Capital, made money on 35 out of 68 projects. (Jan 2012)
  • 1980s: Leveraged buyout profit from increased corporate debt. (Jan 2012)
  • Rick Perry's corporate policy stances compared to Romney's. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994 labor strike: no insurance for part-time employees. (Nov 2011)
  • Adopt reasonable compensation incentives for CEOs. (Nov 2011)
  • Everything corporations earn also goes to people. (Nov 2011)
  • I was CEO at mainstream businesses, not Wall St. (Oct 2011)
  • No individual bailouts; but preserve financial system. (Oct 2011)
  • Net-net, Bain Capital created tens of thousands of new jobs. (Oct 2011)
  • Big banks handle massive regulations; small banks get killed. (Oct 2011)
  • America needs a conservative businessman to recover economy. (Sep 2011)
  • Corporations are people. (Aug 2011)
  • Corporations won't send jobs overseas if tax rates lowered. (Mar 2010)
  • TARP should not be used for auto company bailouts. (Feb 2009)
  • Key to economic stimulus: get companies to buy more stuff. (Jan 2008)
  • Reduce corporate tax rate--we have 2nd highest in world. (Jan 2008)
  • You don’t help the wage-earner by attacking the wage-payer. (Jan 2008)
  • FactCheck: Closed $174M in corporate tax loopholes. (Jan 2008)
  • Don’t apply Sec. 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley to smaller companies. (Oct 2007)
  • Spun off Bain Capital from Bain Consulting & earned fortune. (Aug 2007)
  • Approach to business as “Bainiac”: meritocracy & results. (Mar 2007)
  • Company’s culture must align with mission, or mission fails. (Aug 2004)
  • Piracy protection key to selling Olympic sponsorships. (Aug 2004)

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Mitt Romney on Crime
Click here for 12 full quotes on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime..
  • Romney side-by-side against Gingrich, Paul & Santorum. (Mar 2012)
  • 1981: Arrested for fishing without a license. (Jan 2012)
  • 2002: Supported death penalty although it was long abolished. (Jan 2012)
  • Hire private companies to manage our state prisons. (Mar 2010)
  • To reduce black on black crime, get more moms and dads. (Nov 2007)
  • One Strike, You’re Ours: lifetime GPS tracking. (Jul 2007)
  • Reform sentencing process; appeal too-lenient sentences. (Sep 2002)
  • Supports death penalty in heinous murders. (Sep 2002)
  • Favored mandatory sentencing and three strikes. (Mar 2002)
  • Safe streets will be a campaign theme. (Mar 2002)
  • Will bring new businesses to urban areas. (Nov 1994)
  • Supports death penalty and “three strikes” sentencing. (Oct 1994)

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Mitt Romney on Drugs
Click here for 3 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs..
  • Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana. (Apr 2011)
  • Mandatory sentence & higher penalty for repeat drunk driving. (Aug 2007)
  • Combat the ruthless narco-terrorists in Colombia. (Jul 2007)

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Mitt Romney on Education
Click here for 22 full quotes on Education OR other candidates on Education OR background on Education..
  • Gov. Perry's education policy stances compared to Romney's. (Jan 2012)
  • Smaller classroom size only matters to teachers' unions. (Sep 2011)
  • We should insist that teachers get evaluated. (Sep 2011)
  • China & India graduate more science & engineering PhDs. (Mar 2010)
  • Failure to educate minorities is a civil rights issue. (Mar 2010)
  • 2003: Bold reforms: required H.S. graduation test. (Mar 2010)
  • Vetoed abandoning three new Massachusetts charter schools. (Mar 2010)
  • Teachers' union has deadening impact on student achievement. (Mar 2010)
  • School choice over fat-cat CEOs of teachers' unions. (Feb 2010)
  • FactCheck: US scores at 50% internationally, not 10%-25%. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: MA 1st in test scores, but was 1st before Romney. (Dec 2007)
  • Education is not just the teachers’ union. (Dec 2007)
  • Bush was right on No Child Left Behind. (Dec 2007)
  • Identify failing schools; push choice & English immersion. (Dec 2007)
  • Principles: choice; parental involvement; merit scholarships. (Dec 2007)
  • Supports English immersion & abstinence education. (May 2007)
  • Changed from closing Education Dept. to supporting NCLB. (May 2007)
  • God created universe, but evolution created human body. (May 2007)
  • Reform underperforming schools or replace with charters. (Sep 2002)
  • Supported abolishing the federal Department of Education. (Mar 2002)
  • Schools can teach family values, but not religion or prayer. (Aug 1994)
  • Supported means-tested vouchers for public & private schools. (Mar 2002)

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Mitt Romney on Energy & Oil
Click here for 19 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR other candidates on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil..
  • Humans contribute to world getting warmer. (Nov 2011)
  • Reduce dependence on oil, not just on foreign oil. (Nov 2011)
  • Compensate Nevada for nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain. (Oct 2011)
  • Climate change is occurring, with SOME human contribution. (Mar 2010)
  • No-regrets policy at home; reduce greenhouse emission abroad. (Mar 2010)
  • Nuclear power is a win-win: no CO2 and no imports. (Mar 2010)
  • They don’t call it “America warming” but “global warming”. (Jan 2008)
  • Opposes McCain-Lieberman bill due to $0.50/gal. gas tax. (Jan 2008)
  • $20 billion package for energy research & new car technology. (Jan 2008)
  • Need worldwide global warming solutions; not CAFE or US tax. (Jan 2008)
  • Invest in new technologies to get us off of foreign oil. (Dec 2007)
  • Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal. (Oct 2007)
  • The time for true energy independence has come. (Aug 2007)
  • Exporting carbon emissions to China hurts US and planet. (Aug 2007)
  • No-regrets policy: biofuel, nuclear power, drill ANWR. (Jun 2007)
  • Big Oil should reinvest profits in oil refineries. (Jun 2007)
  • No-regrets policy: energy independence and CO2 reduction. (May 2007)
  • Develop alternative energy but also drill in ANWR. (Dec 2006)
  • Can’t become energy independent in a decade, but be on track. (Jan 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Environment
Click here for 9 full quotes on Environment OR other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment..
  • Restored public confidence after 2006 Big Dig tragedy. (Jan 2012)
  • Cross-border pollution matters; so build natural gas system. (Jan 2012)
  • Opposed Cape Cod rail extension, but listened to all sides. (Nov 2011)
  • OpEd: Scapegoated head of Mass Turnpike for Big Dig disaster. (Nov 2011)
  • Replace "green jobs" program with American competitiveness. (Oct 2011)
  • States should be able to have their own emissions standards. (Jan 2008)
  • Response to Big Dig death shows how Romney handles crises. (Mar 2007)
  • Lit mountain with Olympic rings while placating enviro’s. (Aug 2004)
  • Clean environment will be a campaign theme. (Mar 2002)

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Mitt Romney on Families & Children
Click here for 10 full quotes on Families & Children OR other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children..
  • Newt Gingrich's Family Values compared to Mitt's. (Feb 2012)
  • Abstinence-only education for 12-to-14 year olds. (Jan 2012)
  • 1983: Urged single mom to put up baby for adoption. (Jan 2012)
  • 1996: Staff searched full-time to find runaway teenage girl. (Jan 2012)
  • Kids working in libraries is fine; don't change labor laws. (Dec 2011)
  • The Worst Generation precludes children from American Dream. (Mar 2010)
  • Child development enhanced by having a mother & father. (Feb 2008)
  • FactCheck: Teenage birth rate declined from 1991 to 2005. (Dec 2007)
  • Strong military, strong economy, and strong families. (Jun 2007)
  • To strengthen America, strengthen the American family. (Feb 2007)

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Mitt Romney on Foreign Policy
Click here for 18 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy..
  • Critical time for American century vs. European socialism. (Jan 2012)
  • Use opportunity for regime change in North Korea. (Dec 2011)
  • Unacceptable for Iran to become a nuclear nation. (Sep 2011)
  • No European-style solutions to an American problem. (Feb 2011)
  • Different countries' paths to decline came from isolation. (Mar 2010)
  • In long term, Chinese reforms lead to demanding freedom. (Mar 2010)
  • Post-WWII role: defeat threats to progress of freedom. (Mar 2010)
  • American Exceptionalism means America need not decline. (Mar 2010)
  • National turnaround requires leadership; consensus; strength. (Mar 2010)
  • Unless US changes course, we’ll no longer be superpower. (Feb 2008)
  • Putin is a troubling leader and an authoritarian. (Jan 2008)
  • The US is the only major power believing in free enterprise. (Jan 2008)
  • Free Cuba and eliminate threat of people like Hugo Chavez. (Dec 2007)
  • 2006: Blocked services for Iran’s Khatami speech at Harvard. (Aug 2007)
  • To win the war on jihad, we need friends in Muslim world. (Aug 2007)
  • Encourage others to welcome democracy, without military. (Aug 2007)
  • Move Muslim world toward modernity so they reject extreme. (Aug 2007)
  • US is not arrogant, but we have resolve. (Jun 2007)

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Mitt Romney on Free Trade
Click here for 14 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade..
  • Open new markets to grow; but also enforce fair trade. (Feb 2012)
  • China's steel dumping forced US mills to close. (Jan 2012)
  • We have to open up markets to America's goods. (Jan 2012)
  • If America fails to protect against China, we'll be eclipsed. (Nov 2011)
  • Trade with China only if they follow international rules. (Nov 2011)
  • Go to WTO about China; we're already in a trade war. (Nov 2011)
  • China is a currency manipulator; go after them for cheating. (Oct 2011)
  • China doesn't want to have a trade war; so push hard. (Oct 2011)
  • Trade is good for the nation, but not good for everybody. (Mar 2010)
  • Protectionism stifles productivity, under Bush AND Obama. (Mar 2010)
  • Re-negotiate trade deals with China and other countries. (Dec 2007)
  • Open up markets to American goods and services. (Oct 2007)
  • Businesspeople should negotiate trade, not politicians. (Oct 2007)
  • Emergence of Asia is an opportunity for trade and commerce. (Dec 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Government Reform
Click here for 25 full quotes on Government Reform OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform..
  • Earmark system is broken; ban them with line-item veto. (Feb 2012)
  • Make government simpler, smaller, and smarter. (Jan 2012)
  • 2004: Disallowed from appointing Kerry's Senate successor. (Nov 2011)
  • I didn't inhale while governor; government is too big. (Sep 2011)
  • 1994: campaign spending limits and the abolition of PACs. (Jun 2011)
  • 2002: publicly fund campaigns; 2008: repeal McCain-Feingold. (Jun 2011)
  • Measure American success by series of cyclical indicators. (Mar 2010)
  • Dynamic regulations: forward-looking & consistently applied. (Mar 2010)
  • 1960s large donors avoided union influence in politics. (Mar 2010)
  • GovWatch: 1994: advocated spending limit on elections. (Feb 2008)
  • Washington thinks “action” means committee meetings & Bills. (Feb 2008)
  • Must know how America works, not just how Washington works. (Feb 2008)
  • Use my own money in a campaign to try and change the US. (Jan 2008)
  • Not concerned about voters on his campaign self-contribution. (Jan 2008)
  • Washington is broken due to insider lobbyists & politicians. (Jan 2008)
  • McCain-Feingold hurt our party and hurt the First Amendment. (Jan 2008)
  • Signing statements are an important presidential practice. (Dec 2007)
  • Focus on global Jihad, immigration, tax cut, and healthcare. (Dec 2007)
  • Line-item veto can & should pass constitutional muster. (Oct 2007)
  • FactCheck: 844 line item vetoes; but over 700 overridden. (Oct 2007)
  • FactCheck: Romney had 700 line-item vetoes, President cannot. (Jun 2007)
  • Never pardoned anyone as governor, but might pardon Libby. (Jun 2007)
  • McCain-Feingold law prevents free speech in campaigns. (May 2007)
  • Open document policy overcame SLOC obfuscation & scandal. (Aug 2004)
  • Balanced budget amendment and line-item veto. (Mar 2002)

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Mitt Romney on Gun Control
Click here for 13 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control..
  • Newt Gingrich's gun, crime & drug issues compared to Mitt's. (Feb 2012)
  • 1994: backed 5-day waiting period on gun sales. (Jan 2012)
  • Find common ground with pro-gun & anti-gun groups. (Jan 2012)
  • 2002: I will not chip away at MA's tough gun laws. (Nov 2011)
  • 2008: "Lifelong" devotion to hunting meant "small varmints". (Jan 2010)
  • 2002: My positions won't make me the hero of the NRA. (Nov 2008)
  • GovWatch: 1994: did not “line up with the NRA”. (Feb 2008)
  • Support the 2nd Amendment AND the assault weapon ban. (Jan 2008)
  • I support the work of the NRA, but disagree sometimes. (Dec 2007)
  • Ok to ban lethal weapons that threaten police. (Dec 2007)
  • Compromise MA gun bills were net gain for gun owner. (Aug 2007)
  • Supports Second Amendment rights but also assault weapon ban. (May 2007)
  • Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill. (Aug 1994)

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Mitt Romney on Health Care
Click here for 55 full quotes on Health Care OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care..
  • Obama cut Medicare by $500B to pay for ObamaCare. (Feb 2012)
  • Official portrait had 2 symbols: his wife, & healthcare. (Jan 2012)
  • On choosing providers: "I like being able to fire people". (Jan 2012)
  • 2010: Consider single-fee structures, at state level. (Nov 2011)
  • Reform Medicare, but don't cancel prescription program. (Sep 2011)
  • Health Savings Accounts give patients stake in health costs. (Sep 2011)
  • Cap medical malpractice punitive damages at $500,000. (Jun 2011)
  • Base health care system on free choice & private medicine. (Feb 2009)
  • Mandating citizens to buy health insurance is conservative. (Jan 2008)
  • Get everyone some form of catastrophic health coverage. (Jan 2008)
  • FactCheck: Untrue that 47M uninsured want to “not play”. (Jan 2008)
  • Personal responsibility instead of employer mandates. (Dec 2007)
  • Let states create their own private, market-based insurance. (Oct 2007)
  • Removing most mandates drove down premium cost by half. (Oct 2007)
  • Same tax treatment if people buy insurance without employers. (Oct 2007)
  • Get everybody insured with state-based market dynamics. (Oct 2007)
  • Conservative idea: individual responsibility for health care. (Aug 2007)
  • Insure 45 million uninsured with a free-market based system. (Aug 2007)
  • Pharmaceutical companies create products to make us better. (Jan 2006)
  • Subsidies for health coverage for low-income individuals. (Mar 2002)
  • Voluntary purchasing pools. (Mar 2002)


  • Romney healthcare stances compared to Obama. (Jan 2012)
  • Return healthcare to states, under the 10th Amendment. (Dec 2011)
  • No FEDERAL individual mandate; but state mandate ok. (Dec 2011)
  • ObamaCare waivers on Day One; repeal bill on Day Two. (Oct 2011)
  • ObamaCare has enormous differences from RomneyCare. (Sep 2011)
  • On Day One, ObamaCare waivers to all 50 states. (Sep 2011)
  • ObamaCare's biggest difference: I believe in 10th Amendment. (Aug 2011)
  • MA Constitution allows mandate; US Constitution does not. (Aug 2011)
  • ObamaCare's power grab won't work; Obama didn't ask me. (Jun 2011)


  • 2006: individual mandate is a Republican approach. (Dec 2011)
  • Over 98% of MA residents now have healthcare. (Nov 2011)
  • 2008: Individual mandate ok; free ride is not. (Nov 2011)
  • My plan right for MA but wrong for rest of country. (Nov 2011)
  • RomneyCare intended as state plan; never as national model. (Sep 2011)
  • In MA, we addressed only the 8% who were uninsured. (Sep 2011)
  • I stand by what I did in Massachusetts. (Sep 2011)
  • If people of MA don't like RomneyCare, they can change it. (Jun 2011)
  • 2006 lessons: involve everyone; demonize none; transparency. (Mar 2010)
  • People without insurance already receive care via E.R. (Mar 2010)
  • 2006: Compromise with Ted Kennedy to make RomneyCare reality. (Mar 2010)
  • FactCheck: MA employers have no mandates, but “requirements”. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: No, MA healthcare plan is not paid for, yet. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: HillaryCare closer to RomneyCare than “all gov’t”. (Oct 2007)
  • FactCheck: MA plan works, but Romney not proposing it for US. (Oct 2007)
  • MA plan blends personal responsibility & universal coverage. (Aug 2007)
  • FactCheck: Romney plan virtually identical to Obama plan. (Jun 2007)
  • MA program relies on personal responsibility & the market. (Jun 2007)
  • MA health plan insures all without taxes or socialization. (May 2007)
  • FactCheck: MA plan not yet in place so analysis premature. (May 2007)
  • Signal accomplishment as Governor is MA insurance reform. (Mar 2007)
  • MA reform focuses on individual responsibility (via fines). (Mar 2007)
  • State universal coverage plan is national test case. (Apr 2006)
  • MA state health insurance plan lowered costs. (Jan 2006)
  • Mandates on health insurance work in Massachusetts. (Jan 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Homeland Security
Click here for 36 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security..
  • Military so powerful that no one thinks of challenging it. (Jan 2012)
  • Donates to groups that support the military. (Nov 2011)
  • Post-9/11: monitor and wiretap mosques. (Nov 2011)
  • Strong Economy; Strong Military; Strong People. (Mar 2010)
  • Strengthen soft power because it is real power. (Mar 2010)
  • Our nuclear arsenal must be updated comprehensively. (Mar 2010)
  • Allies must increase defense spending to a fair share. (Mar 2010)
  • Lawyers are the last people to ask about war decisions. (Oct 2007)
  • FactCheck: Bush cut military budget as much as Bill Clinton. (Oct 2007)
  • Apologized for comparing public service to military service. (Sep 2007)
  • Eligible for draft in 1969; regrets not having served. (Mar 2007)
  • Stronger America is less likely to have to fight. (Mar 2007)

    Defense Spending

  • Obama defense issue stances compared to Romney. (Jan 2012)
  • It's a terrible idea to cut defense. (Oct 2011)
  • Devoted to making America the strongest nation on Earth. (Oct 2011)
  • Increase defense spending to at least 4% of GDP. (Mar 2010)
  • China's military is over half our size (not one-tenth!). (Mar 2010)
  • Defense cost comparison US vs PRC. (Mar 2010)
  • Raise military spending to 4% of our GDP. (Feb 2008)
  • Add 100,000 to the military without a draft. (Jan 2008)
  • Sharply increase military investment to face radical jihad. (Aug 2007)
  • We need at least 100,000 more troops in our military. (Jan 2006)

    War on Terror

  • Al Qaeda members are enemy combatants with no rights. (Jan 2012)
  • Recognize the scope and reality of the jihadist threat. (Mar 2010)
  • No Miranda rights for suicide bombers. (Feb 2010)
  • Closing Guantanamo leaves America vulnerable to another 9/11. (Feb 2009)
  • Best to not say whether waterboarding is torture or not. (Jan 2008)
  • Not wise for us to describe our interrogation techniques. (Nov 2007)
  • Wiretap mosques to keep tabs on Islamic extremists. (Sep 2007)
  • Global military & non-military effort to defeat jihad. (Aug 2007)
  • Don’t weaken Musharraf; we need ally against Bin Laden. (Aug 2007)
  • Double Guantanamo, to avoid terrorist access to lawyers. (May 2007)
  • FBI wiretaps and spying on immigrants OK. (Dec 2006)
  • Use both military & diplomatic actions to defeat Jihadists. (Dec 2006)
  • Jihadists attack to destroy all moderate governments. (Jan 2006)
  • Islamic terror has nothing to do with US policy of bases. (Jan 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Immigration
Click here for 35 full quotes on Immigration OR 7 older headlines OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration..
  • Enforce employment laws; illegal immigrants will self-deport. (Jan 2012)
  • English should be the official language of the US. (Jan 2012)
  • Alien employment cards ; not amnesty. (Nov 2011)
  • I don't believe in rounding up 11 million people. (Nov 2011)
  • Current system is concrete wall against best & brightest. (Nov 2011)
  • Of course a border fence; of course no free tuition. (Sep 2011)
  • Build 2,600-mile fence with enough guards to secure it. (Sep 2011)
  • I like legal immigration; let business determine visas. (Aug 2011)
  • Immigration practices are upside down: more hi-tech visas. (Mar 2010)
  • Ardent proponent of English immersion. (Mar 2010)
  • GovWatch: 2005: Called comprehensive reform “reasonable”. (Feb 2008)
  • Deport illegal immigrants in 90 days under the ideal setting. (Jan 2008)
  • Illegal immigrants should go home eventually. (Dec 2007)
  • No mandatory prison term for employers who hire illegals. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: Took hard-line on illegals, but only late in term. (Dec 2007)
  • Welcome the people who have been standing in line first. (Dec 2007)
  • Employers have no means of knowing who’s legal & who’s not. (Dec 2007)
  • Avoid chain migration; disallow families from one citizen. (Dec 2007)
  • FactCheck: Illegals employed at his home, but by contractor. (Nov 2007)
  • Z-visa is not technically amnesty; but is in fact amnesty. (Sep 2007)
  • Make America more attractive for legal immigrants. (Aug 2007)
  • Priorities: secure border, employer verification, no amnesty. (Aug 2007)
  • Enforce the law against 12 million illegals here now. (Jun 2007)
  • Make English national language; communicate in Spanish too. (Jun 2007)
  • Keep rule barring immigrants from running for president. (May 2007)
  • The 12 million illegal immigrants can’t stay forever. (Jan 2006)
  • Unfair to allow all illegal immigrants to stay. (Jan 2006)

    Immigrant Benefits

  • Vetoed in-state tuition; turn off the magnet. (Sep 2011)
  • Turn off the magnet that attracts immigrants. (Sep 2011)
  • Attacked Arkansas program for scholarships for illegals. (Aug 2009)
  • Illegal immigrants shouldn’t get tuition break in schools. (Nov 2007)
  • AdWatch: No driver’s license & in-state tuition for illegals. (Nov 2007)
  • FactCheck: Took no action against 4 Mass. sanctuary cities. (Nov 2007)
  • Reduce federal funding to sanctuary cities. (Sep 2007)
  • Tuition breaks encourage illegal immigration. (Nov 2005)

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Mitt Romney on Jobs
Click here for 26 full quotes on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs..
  • Mistake to give automakers to unions as part of auto bailout. (Feb 2012)
  • I know what it's like to worry about a pink slip. (Feb 2012)
  • End crony capitalism to get Americans back to work. (Jan 2012)
  • Bain Capital transferred union jobs to non-union plant. (Jan 2012)
  • Tie government union wages to private sector wages. (Jan 2012)
  • We need encompassing policy for jobs, energy, taxes, & trade. (Oct 2011)
  • Nation should learn lesson from right-to-work states. (Sep 2011)
  • Obama's policies have put 2.5 million Americans out of work. (Sep 2011)
  • Bain Capital created thousands of jobs during my time there. (Sep 2011)
  • America is an extraordinary jobs machine. (Sep 2011)
  • FactCheck: Reduced unemployment in MA from 5.6% to 4.7%. (Sep 2011)
  • FactCheck: Jobs grew faster in MA under Romney's predecessor. (Sep 2011)
  • The free economy means sometimes we lose jobs. (Aug 2011)
  • Replace jobless benefits with unemployment savings accounts. (Aug 2011)
  • FactCheck: No, fewer US unemployed than Canadians employed. (Feb 2011)
  • FactCheck: No, more jobs lost under Bush than under Obama. (Feb 2011)
  • "Card check" is a massive imposition on worker freedom. (Mar 2010)
  • Incentivize hiring jobless: cover $2000 in training costs. (Mar 2010)
  • Opposes "25-75": 25 years of service then 75% pension. (Mar 2010)
  • Built long-term pipeline for MA jobs; so job growth is slow. (Jan 2008)
  • Take action & we need not give up on any industry’s jobs. (Jan 2008)
  • MA had 3rd worst job growth; I turned around declining rates. (Jan 2008)
  • I believe in domestic supports for our agriculture industry. (Oct 2007)
  • Good unions train members; bad unions hurt their company. (Oct 2007)
  • FactCheck: Yes,US added 50M jobs since ‘78; but EU added 36M. (Aug 2007)
  • Tax incentives for employee training. (Mar 2002)

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Paperback: Mitt Romney br>vs. Barack Obama
On The Issues
Mitt Romney on Principles & Values
Click here for 104 full quotes on Principles & Values OR 7 older headlines OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values..
  • Obama's record: debt, decline, and disappointment. (Jan 2012)
  • OpEd: Turnaround specialist when nation needs one. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994: donated milk for years to Shelter for Homeless Vets. (Jan 2012)
  • Wife Ann effectively treats her chronic Multiple Sclerosis. (Jan 2012)
  • Obama's policies have made the recession deeper. (Jan 2012)
  • Business entrepreneurialism is leadership experience. (Jan 2012)
  • OpEd: 1994 race gave Kennedy the scare of his political life. (Nov 2011)
  • Paid college students 10% of dollars fundraised for him. (Nov 2011)
  • 2010: Obama passes citizenship test; no more Birthers. (Nov 2011)
  • Bipartisanship worked in MA; we looked beyond elections. (Nov 2011)
  • Obama takes political inspiration from socialist Europe. (Sep 2011)
  • Me & Tea Party are both for small government & low spending. (Sep 2011)
  • Obama Misery Index: record unemployment & bankruptcies. (Feb 2011)
  • Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. (Nov 2010)
  • Hard times made us the people we are today. (Mar 2010)
  • President should proudly defend US, not apologize for her. (Mar 2010)
  • America is freedom and freedom must be strong. (Mar 2010)
  • The "Party of No" is ok when it comes to spending. (Feb 2010)
  • Opportunity is what lets hope become reality. (Sep 2008)
  • Liberals replace opportunity with dependency on government. (Sep 2008)
  • Favor justices like Roberts, Alito, Scalia, and Thomas. (Jan 2008)
  • Bush took on some tough issues and stood for strength. (Jan 2008)
  • People look to governors, not senators, for a leader. (Jan 2008)
  • I’m proud of my experience as a leader. (Jan 2008)
  • Abraham Lincoln was not a military expert. (Jan 2008)
  • Washington is broken & can’t deal with many problems. (Jan 2008)
  • Don’t think religion figuring into this race. (Jan 2008)
  • Freedom requires religion in society, not in individuals. (Dec 2007)
  • Ok to appoint atheists or agnostics--no litmus test of faith. (Dec 2007)
  • Draw upon the strengths of the conservative principles. (Dec 2007)
  • Americans want person of faith as president, whatever brand. (Aug 2007)
  • Misspoke that sons’ campaign service comparable to military. (Aug 2007)
  • Strong families, a strong economy and a strong military. (Aug 2007)
  • Doesn’t dislike anything about America. (May 2007)
  • Address issues so America can remain a superpower. (Dec 2006)
  • Success in DC: Tell truth, find right fit, never give up. (Aug 2004)
  • Experience to lead to prosperity after fiscal mismanagement. (Mar 2002)
  • Aspiring to greatness is its own reward. (Jun 2001)
  • Values family, faith, education, sport, & healing. (Jun 2001)


  • Wife Ann, from Protestant family, converted to Mormon. (Jan 2012)
  • 1966-68: Served as Mormon missionary in France. (Jan 2012)
  • Serve no one religion; serve only the people. (Jan 2012)
  • FactCheck: Constitution ok on voters questioning religion. (Jan 2012)
  • 1994: Kennedy attacked Mormonism; bishops defended Romney. (Nov 2011)
  • We shouldn't choose leaders by their religion. (Oct 2011)
  • Endorsed by Bob Jones, despite calling Mormonism a “cult”. (Dec 2007)
  • Freedom requires religion just as religion requires freedom. (Dec 2007)
  • I believe Jesus is savior of mankind & Son of God. (Dec 2007)
  • Ignoring religion in policy is at odds with our founders. (Dec 2007)
  • No church authorities will exert influence on my decisions. (Dec 2007)
  • Will serve no one religion, but will not distance himself. (Dec 2007)
  • We share a common creed despite differences in theology. (Dec 2007)
  • Bible is the word of God; I don’t disagree with Bible. (Nov 2007)
  • Reid(D) vs. Hatch(R) show that LDS doesn’t control opinions. (Aug 2007)
  • Stresses commonality of Mormonism to mainstream Christianity. (Aug 2007)
  • Evangelicals know Mormons are fiscal & social conservatives. (Aug 2007)
  • Mormons for president included Udall (1976) & Hatch (2000). (Aug 2007)
  • 1984: As Mormon bishop, led recovery after church fire. (Aug 2007)
  • Mormons believe in God, the Bible, & Jesus Christ as savior. (Jun 2007)
  • Roman Catholic bishops can do whatever the heck they want. (May 2007)
  • Every person of any faith has deeply-held values. (May 2007)
  • Romney is the 5th Mormon to run for President. (Mar 2007)
  • George Romney never questioned on Mormonism during 1968 race. (Mar 2007)
  • Constitution is explicit: no religious test for presidency. (Mar 2007)
  • Faces questions on Mormonism like Kennedy did on Catholicism. (Apr 2006)

    Past Elections

  • 2008: Cast himself as a doer, not just a dreamer. (Aug 2009)
  • Reagan would endorse my candidacy. (Jan 2008)
  • Changing views: I’ve learned from experience & made mistakes. (Jan 2008)
  • Proud of his accomplishments in fighting the Liberal Lion. (Oct 2007)
  • 1967: Father was presidency frontrunner until “brainwashed”. (Aug 2007)
  • Bush & Cheney have made mistakes, but have kept us safe. (Aug 2007)
  • AdWatch: Stood up for conservatism in most liberal state. (Jun 2007)
  • FactCheck: VT would disagree that MA is most liberal state. (Jun 2007)
  • #8 on Human Events’ list of Top Ten RINOs. (Dec 2005)
  • Ran against Kennedy in 1993 to offer a different vision. (Aug 2004)
  • Ran for MA governor to help people. (Aug 2004)
  • Drafted to run for MA governor; incumbent was unelectable. (Aug 2004)

    Personal History

  • As college athlete, learned to pace himself. (Jan 2012)
  • Near-fatal accident at age 21; in coma for 3 days. (Jan 2012)
  • At age 24, two kids while grad student at Harvard. (Jan 2012)
  • OpEd: Never accepts "no"; but doesn't read people well. (Nov 2011)
  • Wife Ann's father was mayor of Bloomfield Hills MI. (Nov 2011)
  • 2008: Caught eating KFC chicken with a knife & fork. (May 2010)
  • Father George Romney born & raised until age 5 in Mexico. (Aug 2007)
  • Valedictorian at Brigham Young University. (Aug 2007)
  • Wife Ann in remission from Multiple Sclerosis. (Aug 2007)
  • 1983: Carried dog in kennel on car roof, against MA law. (Aug 2007)
  • Has “over-developed community service gene”. (Aug 2004)
  • Pronounced dead at age 20 from car accident in Paris. (Aug 2004)
  • Dad inspired him to public service. (Mar 2002)

    Salt Lake Olympic Committee

  • My job was to ask Congress for earmarks for Olympics. (Feb 2012)
  • Took on 2000 Olympics because it was a big mess. (Jan 2012)
  • OpEd: SLOC's real need was fundraising and media relations. (Nov 2011)
  • Shut out Boy Scouts from Olympics due to age requirements. (Feb 2008)
  • 2002: Offered Olympic job as “turnaround king”. (Aug 2007)
  • Salvaged Olympic games from financial and scandal disaster. (Mar 2007)
  • Olympic slogan “Light the Fire Within”:it’s more than sports. (Aug 2004)
  • SLOC’s guiding principles: teamwork, pride, integrity, fun. (Aug 2004)
  • Did not consider political value of Olympics. (Aug 2004)
  • Worked for Olympics with no salary and no expense account. (Aug 2004)
  • $100M in SLOC donations criticized as special deals for rich. (Aug 2004)
  • $99M in deferred payments from State of Utah paid for SLOC. (Aug 2004)
  • World Trade Center flag shown at Olympic opening ceremony. (Aug 2004)
  • Ran Olympics in spirit of volunteerism. (Mar 2002)

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Mitt Romney on Social Security
Click here for 15 full quotes on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security..
  • Version 2.0: Lower benefit rate for wealthy. (Jan 2012)
  • 1-year payroll tax cut is a band-aid; make permanent changes. (Oct 2011)
  • System is federal responsibility, not state governments. (Sep 2011)
  • Congress taking money from Trust Fund is criminal. (Sep 2011)
  • Keep Social Security as an essential federal program. (Sep 2011)
  • Funding for Social Security is not working, but system works. (Sep 2011)
  • So-called "Trust Fund" has defrauded American people. (Mar 2010)
  • Add individual retirement accounts as option. (Mar 2010)
  • Rein in the excessive growth in entitlement programs. (Jan 2008)
  • Will try to fix Social Security without raising taxes. (Jan 2008)
  • No FICA for workers over age 65, so they can stay working. (Jan 2008)
  • Favors private accounts; prepared to be entirely bold. (Oct 2007)
  • Private accounts work better than extending retirement age. (Oct 2007)
  • Reform entitlements by negotiating behind closed doors. (Aug 2006)
  • Honor expectations of recipients, but take action for future. (Aug 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Tax Reform
Click here for 28 full quotes on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform..
  • Reduce top income tax from 35% to 25%. (Jan 2012)
  • 1996: flat tax is unfair to the middle class. (Nov 2011)
  • 2002: refused to sign gimmicky "no new taxes" pledge. (Nov 2011)
  • Tax rate flatter & simpler but still progressive for now. (Nov 2011)
  • I don't want to raise taxes in the middle of a recession. (Nov 2011)
  • Rich are doing fine; Poor have safety net; Middle needs help. (Oct 2011)
  • $200,000 income threshold for no interest & dividend tax. (Sep 2011)
  • FairTax is structured poorly against the middle class. (Sep 2011)
  • I cut taxes 19 times as MA governor. (Aug 2011)
  • Eliminate taxes on dividends & interest but not via FairTax. (Mar 2010)
  • Raised MA taxes by 5%, via $700M in fees. (Nov 2008)
  • Raised service fees like highway ads, from $200 to $2,000. (Jan 2008)
  • Fees are appropriate for the government to provide services. (Jan 2008)
  • I support the Bush tax cuts. (Jan 2008)
  • Avoid recession with immediate middle-income tax cuts. (Jan 2008)
  • Raised $240M in MA fees, but only covering cost of services. (Jan 2008)
  • Zero tax rate on capital gains, for incomes up to $200,000. (Jan 2008)
  • Lowering taxes, like Bush tax cuts, grows the economy. (Jan 2008)
  • FactCheck: Never opposed 2003 Bush cuts, but never supported. (Jan 2008)
  • Reduce the tax burden on middle-income families. (Dec 2007)
  • Signed no-tax pledge; Dems pledge to raise taxes. (Sep 2007)
  • Death tax just doesn’t make sense. (Aug 2007)
  • Commission studied FairTax and found serious flaws. (Aug 2007)
  • Pledges no new taxes in 2007 after refusing pledge in 2002. (May 2007)
  • FactCheck: Did not raise MA taxes, but DID raise MA fees. (May 2007)
  • End taxes on interests, dividends & capital gains. (May 2007)
  • My pledge: no freeze on tax rollback. (Mar 2002)
  • Pledges not to raise taxes. (Nov 1994)

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Mitt Romney on Technology
Click here for 16 full quotes on Technology OR other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology..
  • Focus manned space program on commercial products. (Jan 2012)
  • SOPA, as written, restricts the Internet & free speech. (Jan 2012)
  • Mining the moon costs too much. (Dec 2011)
  • China must respect intellectual property if they want trade. (Nov 2011)
  • Charge WikiLeaks insider with treason. (Dec 2010)
  • WikiLeaks was treason; a crime against our nation. (Dec 2010)
  • Two-part innovation: improve the old; invent the new. (Mar 2010)
  • National R&D spending OK; picking winners not OK. (Mar 2010)
  • A road project isn’t going to stimulate the economy now. (Jan 2008)
  • The Big Dig solved a problem, but cost way too much to do. (Jan 2008)
  • AdWatch: More change in next 10 years than in 10 centuries. (Jan 2008)
  • FactCheck: Ludicrous exaggeration to compare 10 centuries. (Jan 2008)
  • To compete globally, invest in education and technology. (Aug 2007)
  • Invest in nanotech and materials science. (Aug 2007)
  • Invest in infrastructure from growing economy by lower taxes. (Aug 2007)
  • Would veto legislation reviving the Fairness Doctrine. (Jun 2007)

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Paperback: Michele Bachmann br>vs. Sarah Palin
On The Issues
Mitt Romney on War & Peace
Click here for 32 full quotes on War & Peace OR other candidates on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace..
  • 1965: Picketed AGAINST Vietnam protestors. (Jan 2012)
  • 1966-68: Missionary deferment; 1969: drew high draft number. (Jan 2012)
  • Leave Afghanistan when generals on the ground say so. (Jan 2012)
  • Disagree with Israelis in private; stand with them in public. (Dec 2011)
  • If we reelect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. (Nov 2011)
  • Crippling sanctions against Iran, & military, to stop nukes. (Nov 2011)
  • We should withdraw from Afghanistan after 2012. (Aug 2011)
  • Stay in Afghanistan until our generals say to leave. (Jun 2011)
  • American resolve in Iraq counters jihad with fortitude. (Mar 2010)
  • Military should have private timetable for Iraq withdrawal. (Aug 2009)
  • $700B was well-spent to win freedom in Iraq. (Feb 2009)
  • To Jihadists, democracy is blasphemous since people make law. (Feb 2008)
  • Never, ever supported specific timetable for exit from Iraq. (Jan 2008)
  • Timetable for troop reduction ok; but not for withdrawal. (Jan 2008)
  • It was the right decision to go into Iraq. (Jan 2008)
  • Supported timed withdrawal, but only by Iraqis and in secret. (Jan 2008)
  • Staying in Iraq protects lives of American citizens. (Dec 2007)
  • Let lawyers decide if authorization needed to attack Iran. (Oct 2007)
  • After surge, move to support phase, based in Kuwait. (Sep 2007)
  • Deal with Iran nukes with Dems at home & with allies abroad. (Sep 2007)
  • Slow progress vs. frightening consequences of withdrawal. (Aug 2007)
  • It’s time for people of America to show a surge of support. (Aug 2007)
  • Keep option to attack Al Qaeda in Pakistan, but don’t say it. (Aug 2007)
  • Right to invade Iraq, but not what came after. (Jun 2007)
  • FactCheck: Saddam didn’t refuse UN inspectors prior to war. (Jun 2007)
  • Iraq part of global jihadist effort to bring down the West. (May 2007)
  • Don’t decide policy by polls; don’t leave Iraq precipitously. (May 2007)
  • Osama bin Laden will die for the outrage he has exacted. (May 2007)
  • Withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake. (Dec 2006)
  • Bush gave inadequate rationale for Iraq war. (Nov 2006)
  • You attack US and we respond; but use nonmilitary too. (Jan 2006)
  • Supported the surge; never supported a timed withdrawal. (Jan 2006)

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Mitt Romney on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 9 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty..
  • I'm not concerned about very poor; they have safety net. (Feb 2012)
  • My faith would inform my presidency. (Nov 2010)
  • Entitlements: focus on future beyond next election. (Mar 2010)
  • Opportunity is in our DNA; dependency is death to initiative. (Feb 2008)
  • Creating jobs helps poorest workers; not cash handouts. (Jan 2008)
  • Vetoed $220K for state-run homelessness projects. (Jul 2005)
  • Vetoed studying how MA can overcome federal workfare rules. (Jul 2005)
  • Faith-based programs to provide social services. (Jun 2005)
  • Would require welfare recipients to work. (Nov 1994)

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VoteMatch Responses/b>
(Click here for VoteMatch quiz)
VoteMatch Question & Answer
(Click on question for explanation and background)
Based on these stances:
(Click on topic for excerpt & citation)
Opposes topic 1:
Abortion is a woman's right
(-3 points on Social scale)

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1990: As church leader, urged at-risk mom against abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
1994: Supported abortion rights but personally opposed: Favors topic 1
2002: No to new abortion law; yes to emergency contraception: Favors topic 1
1993: Personally opposed, but let women decide themselves: Favors topic 1
1993: Morning-after pill could make abortions obsolete: Favors topic 1
Firmly pro-life; including Court nominations: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Abortion decision should recognize TWO lives involved: Opposes topic 1
GovWatch: 2002: “preserve & protect” right to choose: Strongly Favors topic 1
I took action as governor to preserve the sanctity of life: Opposes topic 1
No punishment for women who have partial birth abortions: Favors topic 1
Was pro-choice, now proudly pro-life: Opposes topic 1
Firmly in the “legal but rare” camp: Favors topic 1
Tired of holier-than-thou attitude about becoming pro-life: Opposes topic 1
Absolute good day for America when Roe v. Wade is repealed: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Breach of Constitution for justices to adjust Constitution: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Now firmly pro-life, despite 2002 tolerance for abortion: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Anti-abortion views have “evolved & deepened” while governor: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Personally against abortion, but pro-choice as governor: Favors topic 1
For safe, legal abortion since relative’s death from illegal: Favors topic 1
Stem cell research lofty goals don’t justify destroying life: Opposes topic 1
Vetoed stem cell research bill: Opposes topic 1
Would be delighted to sign federal ban on all abortions: Strongly Favors topic 1
2005: Vetoed availability without Rx of morning-after pill: Opposes topic 1
Would welcome overturning Roe v. Wade: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Opposes Roe v Wade, but won’t tamper with abortion laws: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Vetoed emergency contraception for rape victims: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Endorsed legalization of RU-486: Strongly Favors topic 1
Strongly Favors topic 2:
Require hiring more women & minorities
(-5 points on Economic scale)

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1993: As church leader, granted women's equality requests: Favors topic 2
Failure to educate minorities is a civil rights issue: Strongly Favors topic 2
To compete as a nation, draw on skills of women & minorities: Strongly Favors topic 2
Help women thru glass ceiling by requiring annual reporting: Favors topic 2
Opposes topic 3:
Same-sex domestic partnership benefits
(-3 points on Social scale)

Return to index
1994: "I'll be better than Ted Kennedy" on gay rights: Strongly Favors topic 3
2002: domestic partnership benefits instead of civil unions: Favors topic 3
Gay community needs more support from the Republican Party: Favors topic 3
1994: Supported ENDA to ban anti-gay employer discrimination: Favors topic 3
2003; Worked with cities to prepare for gay marriages: Favors topic 3
Federal definition of marriage as one-man-one-woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Marriage is not just quaint custom; recognize critical role: Opposes topic 3
GovWatch: 1994: Favored gays serving openly in military: Strongly Favors topic 3
1994: Gays ok in Boy Scouts: Favors topic 3
2006: Marriage: I agree with 3000 years of recorded history: Opposes topic 3
Pushed vote on traditional marriage against MA gay marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Marriage pre-dates our Constitution & shouldn’t de redefined: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Constitutional amendment defining 1-man-1-woman marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Opposed gay marriage but played fair and upheld law: Favors topic 3
Put gay marriage ban into GOP party platform: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Every child deserves a mother and a father: Strongly Opposes topic 3
OpEd: abdicated power in 2004 & allowed gay marriage: Favors topic 3
Supports benefits for gay partners, but not gay marriage: Favors topic 3
Sexual orientation should not preclude being a Scout: Favors topic 3
Strongly Favors topic 4:
Teacher-led prayer in public schools
(-5 points on Social scale)

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Abstinence-only education for 12-to-14 year olds: Favors topic 4
My faith would inform my presidency: Strongly Favors topic 4
Values family, faith, education, sport, & healing: Favors topic 4
Schools can teach family values, but not religion or prayer: Favors topic 4
Strongly Favors topic 8:
Death Penalty
(-5 points on Social scale)

Return to index
2002: Supported death penalty although it was long abolished: Strongly Favors topic 8
Supports death penalty in heinous murders: Strongly Favors topic 8
Supports death penalty and “three strikes” sentencing: Favors topic 8
Strongly Favors topic 9:
Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws
(-5 points on Social scale)

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One Strike, You’re Ours: lifetime GPS tracking: Strongly Favors topic 9
Reform sentencing process; appeal too-lenient sentences: Strongly Favors topic 9
Favored mandatory sentencing and three strikes: Strongly Favors topic 9
Supports death penalty and “three strikes” sentencing: Favors topic 9
Opposes topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(-3 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
1994: backed 5-day waiting period on gun sales: Strongly Opposes topic 10
2002: My positions won't make me the hero of the NRA: Strongly Opposes topic 10
GovWatch: 1994: did not “line up with the NRA”: Opposes topic 10
I support the work of the NRA, but disagree sometimes: Opposes topic 10
Ok to ban lethal weapons that threaten police: Opposes topic 10
Compromise MA gun bills were net gain for gun owner: Favors topic 10
Will support assault weapons bill and Brady Bill: Opposes topic 10
Favors topic 5:
More federal funding for health coverage
(-3 points on Economic scale)

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Base health care system on free choice & private medicine: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Get everybody insured with state-based market dynamics: Opposes topic 5
Subsidies for health coverage for low-income individuals: Favors topic 5
No FEDERAL individual mandate; but state mandate ok: Opposes topic 5
ObamaCare's power grab won't work; Obama didn't ask me: Strongly Opposes topic 5
2006: individual mandate is a Republican approach: Strongly Favors topic 5
Signal accomplishment as Governor is MA insurance reform: Favors topic 5
MA reform focuses on individual responsibility (via fines): Opposes topic 5
State universal coverage plan is national test case: Strongly Favors topic 5
MA state health insurance plan lowered costs: Favors topic 5
Mandates on health insurance work in Massachusetts: Strongly Favors topic 5
Strongly Favors topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(+5 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
Add individual retirement accounts as option: Favors topic 6
Favors private accounts; prepared to be entirely bold: Strongly Favors topic 6
Private accounts work better than extending retirement age: Strongly Favors topic 6
Reform entitlements by negotiating behind closed doors: Favors topic 6
Strongly Favors topic 7:
Parents choose schools via vouchers
(+5 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
2003: Bold reforms: required H.S. graduation test: Favors topic 7
Vetoed abandoning three new Massachusetts charter schools: Favors topic 7
School choice over fat-cat CEOs of teachers' unions: Favors topic 7
Identify failing schools; push choice & English immersion: Favors topic 7
Principles: choice; parental involvement; merit scholarships: Favors topic 7
Supported means-tested vouchers for public & private schools: Strongly Favors topic 7
Opposes topic 18:
Replace coal & oil with alternatives
(+2 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
Climate change is occurring, with SOME human contribution: Favors topic 18
No-regrets policy at home; reduce greenhouse emission abroad: Strongly Favors topic 18
Nuclear power is a win-win: no CO2 and no imports: Opposes topic 18
Opposes McCain-Lieberman bill due to $0.50/gal. gas tax: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Need worldwide global warming solutions; not CAFE or US tax: Opposes topic 18
Develop energy technology like nuclear or liquefied coal: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Develop alternative energy but also drill in ANWR: Opposes topic 18
Strongly Favors topic 19:
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it
(-5 points on Social scale)

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Opposes legalization of recreational or medical marijuana: Strongly Favors topic 19
Mandatory sentence & higher penalty for repeat drunk driving: Favors topic 19
Combat the ruthless narco-terrorists in Colombia: Favors topic 19
Favors topic 20:
Allow churches to provide welfare services
(+2 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
Vetoed $220K for state-run homelessness projects: Favors topic 20
Vetoed studying how MA can overcome federal workfare rules: Favors topic 20
Would require welfare recipients to work: Favors topic 20
Strongly Opposes topic 11:
Make taxes more progressive
(+5 points on Economic scale)

Return to index
1996: flat tax is unfair to the middle class: Favors topic 11
I cut taxes 19 times as MA governor: Opposes topic 11
Eliminate taxes on dividends & interest but not via FairTax: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Apply Reaganomics to current recession: cut taxes & grow: Strongly Opposes topic 11
I support the Bush tax cuts: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Zero tax rate on capital gains, for incomes up to $200,000: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Lowering taxes, like Bush tax cuts, grows the economy: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Death tax just doesn’t make sense: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Invest in infrastructure from growing economy by lower taxes: Strongly Opposes topic 11
Pledges no new taxes in 2007 after refusing pledge in 2002: Strongly Opposes topic 11
My pledge: no freeze on tax rollback: Opposes topic 11
Pledges not to raise taxes: Opposes topic 11
Opposes topic 12:
Illegal immigrants earn citizenship
(-3 points on Social scale)

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Enforce employment laws; illegal immigrants will self-deport: Opposes topic 12
I like legal immigration; let business determine visas: Favors topic 12
Ardent proponent of English immersion: Opposes topic 12
GovWatch: 2005: Called comprehensive reform “reasonable”: Strongly Favors topic 12
No mandatory prison term for employers who hire illegals: Favors topic 12
Enforce the law against 12 million illegals here now: Strongly Opposes topic 12
McCain’s plan gives special pathway to those here illegally: Opposes topic 12
The 12 million illegal immigrants can’t stay forever: Opposes topic 12
Unfair to allow all illegal immigrants to stay: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Reduce federal funding to sanctuary cities: Strongly Opposes topic 12
Tuition breaks encourage illegal immigration: Opposes topic 12
Opposes topic 13:
Support & expand free trade
(-3 points on Economic scale)

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If America fails to protect against China, we'll be eclipsed: Opposes topic 13
China must respect intellectual property if they want trade: Opposes topic 13
Trade is good for the nation, but not good for everybody: Opposes topic 13
Re-negotiate trade deals with China and other countries: Opposes topic 13
Open up markets to American goods and services: Strongly Favors topic 13
Emergence of Asia is an opportunity for trade and commerce: Favors topic 13
Strongly Favors topic 15:
Expand the armed forces
(-5 points on Social scale)

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Strong Economy; Strong Military; Strong People: Strongly Favors topic 15
Stronger America is less likely to have to fight: Strongly Favors topic 15
It's a terrible idea to cut defense: Strongly Favors topic 15
Devoted to making America the strongest nation on Earth: Strongly Favors topic 15
Increase defense spending to at least 4% of GDP: Strongly Favors topic 15
Raise military spending to 4% of our GDP: Strongly Favors topic 15
Add 100,000 to the military without a draft: Strongly Favors topic 15
We need at least 100,000 more troops in our military: Strongly Favors topic 15
Use both military & diplomatic actions to defeat Jihadists: Favors topic 15
Opposes topic 16:
Stricter limits on political campaign funds
(+2 points on Economic scale)

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1994: campaign spending limits and the abolition of PACs: Favors topic 16
2002: publicly fund campaigns; 2008: repeal McCain-Feingold: Favors topic 16
1960s large donors avoided union influence in politics: Strongly Opposes topic 16
GovWatch: 1994: advocated spending limit on elections: Strongly Favors topic 16
McCain-Feingold hurt our party and hurt the First Amendment: Strongly Opposes topic 16
McCain-Feingold law prevents free speech in campaigns: Opposes topic 16
Strongly Opposes topic 14:
The Patriot Act harms civil liberties
(-5 points on Social scale)

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Post-9/11: monitor and wiretap mosques: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Al Qaeda members are enemy combatants with no rights: Strongly Opposes topic 14
No Miranda rights for suicide bombers: Strongly Opposes topic 14
Closing Guantanamo leaves America vulnerable to another 9/11: Opposes topic 14
Best to not say whether waterboarding is torture or not: Opposes topic 14
FBI wiretaps and spying on immigrants OK: Opposes topic 14
Strongly Opposes topic 17:
US out of Iraq & Afghanistan
(-5 points on Social scale)

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We should withdraw from Afghanistan after 2012: Strongly Opposes topic 17
SStay in Afghanistan until our generals say to leave: Strongly Opposes topic 17
American resolve in Iraq counters jihad with fortitude: Opposes topic 17
$700B was well-spent to win freedom in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Timetable for troop reduction ok; but not for withdrawal: Strongly Opposes topic 17
It’s time for people of America to show a surge of support: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Iraq part of global jihadist effort to bring down the West: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Withdrawal from Iraq would be a mistake: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Bush gave inadequate rationale for Iraq war: Favors topic 17

Source: http://www.ontheissues.org/Mitt_Romney.htm
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